Research Article
Zahra Elhamiyan, Abooalfazl Azhdarpoor, Zakiyyeh Mousavi
The evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative factors regarding biomedical waste can help remedy the shortcomings of the current hospital waste management (HWM) system. The present study used a questionnaire and a weighing operation to investigate the perceived quality of HWM and the quantity of biomedical waste ... read more
Research Article
Ali Reza Rahmani, Mohammad Taghi Samadi, Reza Shokoohi, Hassan Zolghadr Nasab
Since the process of heterogeneous Fenton is more complex and dynamic than the common Fenton process, control and online monitoring is entirely vital for optimum operation of this system. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) variations ... read more
Research Article
Natalia Olsson Markelova
Members of the genus Bdellovibrio are small and highly motile Gram-negative predators of other Gram-negative bacteria. Bdellovibrio enters the prey cell, transforming it into a structure that is referred to as a bdelloplast. It then grows and divides inside the bdelloplast, ending in lysis and the release ... read more
Research Article
Javad Torkashvand, Ghasem Azarian, Mostafa Leili, Kazem Godini, Shahrbanou Younesi, Hashem Godini
In the current study, the life cycle assessment (LCA) method was used to expect the emissions of different environmental pollutants through qualitative and quantitative analyses of solid wastes of Qazvin city in different final disposal methods. Therefore, four scenarios with the following properties considering physical analysis of ... read more
Research Article
Mohammad Ali Mohaghegh, Mohsen Ghomashlooyan, Mohammad Reza Vafayi, Zahra Chizari, Roghiyeh Faridnia, Rasool Jafari, Mohammad Falahati, Mehdi Azami, Hamed Kalani
Cystoisospora spp., formerly known as Isospora spp., are coccidian parasitic protozoan with several species infecting a wide variety of organisms such as humans, felines and canines. This study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of Cystoisospora spp. oocysts in the soil collected from Kermanshah city, the west ... read more
Research Article
Mohammad Reza Samarghandi, Ali Reza Rahmani, Mohammad Taghi Samadi, Majid Kiamanesh, Ghasem Azarian
Pentachlorophenol (PCP), which is one of the resistant phenolic compounds, has been classified in the category of EPA’s priority pollutants due to its high toxicity and carcinogenic potential. Therefore, its removal from water and wastewater is very important. Various methods have been studied for removing the compound, ... read more
Research Article
Mehdi Mokhtari, Zahra Derakhshan, Zahra Raeisi, Zahra Soltaniyanzadeh, Gholamreza Manuchehri, Fatemeh Babai, Elham Mahdavian
Compared to other medical clinics, dental centers produce a relatively small amount of healthcare waste. However, they are responsible for the production of certain amounts of waste that can cause serious health and environmental hazards if not treated properly. Determining the quantity and quality of dental waste ... read more
Research Article
Nurfarahim Rusdizal, Hamidi Abdul Aziz, Mohd Omar Fatehah
A study was conducted to treat stabilized leachate by applying polyaluminium chloride (PAC) and tobacco leaf extract as a coagulant and coagulant aid. Experimental results indicated that the tobacco leaves were positively charged. The removal rate of the chemical oxygen demand, using 1500 mg/L PAC as a ... read more

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