Selection and presentation of options and criteria for evaluation:
According to the purpose of this study, first, the main criteria and evaluation options for weighting and ranking were indicated. The criteria and evaluation options for the landfill in Ardakan are depicted in Tables 2 and 3 . The evaluation of landfills requires collecting and compiling criteria. Because the evaluation is not yet in compliance with the values, standards can be used to locate.
Table 1.
Current Condition of the Ardakan Landfill Site
Variables Values Used area, ha 55 Depth of buried waste, m Average 12 Total amount of waste buried from the beginning, t 24,000 Landfill age, y 2 Tonnage of waste transported to the landfill An average of 30 (daily) Landfill soil material, m Trenching length: 12 - 20 and width: 4 - 8 and depth: 3 - 6 Landfill cover soil type Native soil Composition of waste buried, % Recyclable waste: 42 Garbage: 58 landfill distance form, km Ardakan 8 - 12 Waste separation Manual Possibility of fire and explosion Yes-limited fire in the summer Utilities and facilities available in the landfill Electricity powerhouse, restrooms and bathrooms, and water reservoir with rest rooms and temporary accommodation
Table 2.
Suggested Options for the Evaluation of the Landfill in Ardakan
Variables Description Option 1 Landfill is appropriate Option 2 Landfill is almost appropriate Option 3 Landfill is inappropriate
Table 3.
List of the Evaluation Criteria Affecting the Landfill Option Prioritization in Ardakan
Main Index (Effective evaluation criteria in prioritizing landfill options in Ardakan) Factors The Main and Effective Measure Row 1 Environmental Vegetation 1 Environmental Groundwater table 1 Environmental Distance from the four regions 1 Environmental Distance from groundwater 1 Environmental Distance from surface waters 1 Environmental Leachate production and water and soil contamination 2 Economic-social Land 2 Economic-social Distance from settlements (urban and rural) 2 Economic-social Distance from the main road 3 Technical and operational Slope 3 Technical and operational Soil 3 Technical and operational Distance from the waste production zone
Converting qualitative indicators into quantitative ones and creating the decision matrix:
In this study, some of the indicators are quantitative and some qualitative. Using different methods, qualitative indicators can be converted into quantitative indicators. However, in the study of distance, the bipolar scale is used (13 ).
Table 4 demonstrates the measurement type for indicators with a positive aspect. As the criterion increases, the utility rate rises too. Measures like distance from the surface, distance from settlements (urban and rural), distance from the underground waters, distance from the four regions, and the soil and the groundwater table are among the positive indicators.
Table 4.
Type of Measuring for Criteria with a Positive Aspect
Range Criteria 0 – 2 Very Low 2 – 4 Low 4 – 6 Average 6 – 8 A lot 8 – 10 So much
Table 5 shows the measurement type for indicators with negative aspects such as slope, distance from the main road, leachate production, and contamination of water, soil, vegetation, and land are negative indices.
Table 5.
Type of Measurement for Indicators with Negative Aspects
Range Criteria 0 - 2 So much 2 - 4 A lot 4 - 6 Average 6 - 8 Low 8 - 10 Very low
Since our goal in this study was to evaluate a landfill and the options were qualitative, a general framework quality of measures in accordance with Table 6 was defined to implement the TOPSIS model and close the decision matrix. Then, a pattern of rating the selected criteria in the scale (1 - 9) was developed in accordance with Table 8 .
Table 6.
Model of Turning Quantitative Measures to Qualitative in Evaluating the Ardakan Landfill
Point Criteria Vegetation Water table a Distance from the protected areas Distance from groundwater b Leachate production and contamination of water and soil Distance from stream and watercourse Slope Soil type Distance from the waste production zone Land use Distance from settlements b Distance from the main road b 1 Does not have < 15 1 - 1.5 b 2 > Low and no contamination < 1 2 - 1 Clay, shale and rock with low permeability clay-potential low infection 2 b Desert with no canal 25 < 1 - 10 b 5 Average 30 - 15 1.5 - 4 b 2 - 4 Leachate production in the medium and low risk of contamination 4 - 2 15 - 10 Clay and sand, semi-permeable with a medium potential 10 - 52 b Rain-fed agricultural land 10 - 25 70 - 30 9 Rich 59 - 45 High-more than 2 b 10 - 15 km Enormous and pollution More than 2 b 15 < High permeability sand with high potential for contamination More than 50 b Several, such as farmland, forests. 1 - 8 b < 1; < 70
a Values are presented as meters.
b Values are presented as kilometers.
Table 7.
Definition of the Scoring Pattern of the Options Based on the Purpose of the Research and Experts’ Opinions
Points to the Importance of Each Option in Evaluation Options 1 3 5 7 9 Appropriate 3 - 5 7 - 5 7 - 9 10 Almost appropriate 1 2 - 1 3 5 - 4 9 - 7 Inappropriate 2 - 1 5 - 4 7 - 9
Table 8.
Decision Matrix for Ranking the Landfill Evaluation Options in Ardakan
Distance from main road Vegetation Water table a Distance from the protected area Distance from farms b Leachate production and contamination of water and soil Distance from stream and watercourse Slope Soil Distance from the waste Land Accommodations distance b Index switch C 12 C 11 C 10 C 9 C 8 C 7 C 6 C 5 C 4 C 3 C 2 C 1 3 2 9 9 8 4 3 1 5 3 1 5 Option 1 1 1 9 7 9 3 5 4 5 3 2 6 Option 2 5 3 5 4 5 3 4 8 4 4 7 3 Option 3
a Values are presented as meters.
b Values are presented as kilometers.
3.1. Suggested Scoring Pattern and Approach
Rating criteria for negative values is the opposite of the positive. In this approach, scoring and decision-making is based on the importance of the criterion for the choice. Moreover, experts must be perfectly aware of the evaluation criteria and measures to evaluate landfills and regional characteristics. Initial evaluation was based on expert opinions and criteria comparison.
Finally, with regard to the criteria being negative and positive, a decision matrix was drawn according to Table 8 for ranking the landfill evaluation options. Weighting the criteria for the application of the AHP and Expert Choice:
After determining the criteria and sub-criteria and the formation of the hierarchical tree, weight was calculated using the pair comparison method. In the process of hierarchical analysis, the elements of each line were compared to the elements above them in a pair and the weight was calculated. This was called the relative weight. Afterward, by combining the relative weights, the final weight was specified, which was called absolute weight. All the comparisons in the hierarchical process were done in pairs (14 ). In these comparisons, decision-makers use oral judgments in a way that if element j is compared to i, the decision-maker says that the importance of i to j is one of the several cases (15 ). The results of the paired comparisons were inserted into the Expert Choice software and the results were given in the form of an effective measures matrix. Thus, it is evident that the criterion of groundwater tables with 0.183 of the total value of the weights is known as the most important sub-criterion.
Figure 1.
Effective Criteria Matrix in Prioritizing the Evaluation Options of the Landfill in Ardakan
Figure 2.
Final weight ranking of 3 Landfill site options in TOPSIS
For the selection of the option ranking, the software gave us the output with the scale of the matrix and the model phases and ranked the options. The results of the TOPSIS model indicated that the coefficient was 0.7532 for an almost appropriate landfill option and 0.671 for the appropriate landfill and that they ranked first and second.
The results of the criteria prioritization for the evaluation of the existing municipal waste landfills using the AHP and the Expert Choice software indicated that the maximum weight belonged to the groundwater table of 0.183, followed by leachate production and contamination of soil and water resources with 0.179. Additionally, the distance from groundwater, soil, slope, distance from protected areas, and vegetation criteria had weights of 0.139, 0.137, 0.115, 0.048, and 0.046, respectively.
Eskandary et al. (2011) also used the TOPSIS multi-attribute decision-making approach and the Expert Choice software to locate the hazardous waste landfills in central Iran (16 ). In the Onut and Soner study (17 ), the AHP was used for weighting measures (similar to the present study) and the TOPSIS for ranking the sites selected. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the performance of a landfill. The TOPSIS was used in order to assess and rank the options from inappropriate to appropriate. The results of the evaluation conducted by a simple method compared to standard criteria determined that the results of the implementation of the TOPSIS model showed that the landfill of Ardakan had an almost appropriate to appropriate location.